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Other aims and objectives of SOCH FOUNDATION are as follows:

a) To undertake activities as may be deemed necessary to promote education, by opening institutions, schools, colleges, and holding seminars, symposia, workshop etc towards this end.

b) To organize vocational training for school and college leavers, open such institution for this purpose in order to provide necessary marketable skills so that they are absorbed in the labour market for gainful employment.

c) To provide vocational training to disabled persons, open institutes, workshops thereby providing skills to such persons to obtain gainful employment.

d) To print or publish journals, books, and such other materials that may be conducive for the attainment of the SOCH’s objectives.

e) To establish libraries and other research facilities conducive for the attainment of Sochi’s objectives.

f) To communicate with other welfare organizations, trusts and other bodies throughout the world and concert and promote measures connected with these objectives or any of them.

g) To purchase, take on lease, or hire or otherwise acquire any moveable or immoveable property or any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of SOCH FOUNDATION.

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